Some Reiki Questions and Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

The healing energies of Reiki continues to work until you are completely healed.

Depending on how much inner work you've already done, one session has its benefits, but doing one session a week for a matter of one month, is more beneficial for your chakra’s to remain open while you're doing the inner work.

Every individual is different, once the session is done we can go over how you're feeling, those are things that we discuss after the session is over.

It's better that you come by yourself, you'll have a better experience.

It's more beneficial if you are by yourself, as your mind will be more at ease, and you will not be distracted by the noise in the background.

I will give you some literature to read,on the Reiki healing process, everyone will go through a purge, where the toxins are released from your physical body, in order for the healing process to begin.

Depending on how much blockage you have, it can last one to two days, or up to one to two weeks.

Most definitely once you come to me for consultation, I'll always be available to answer your questions just send me an email.